標題: 使用者自製內容對報紙報導選舉新聞的影響:以 2016 年台灣 總統大選為例
The Impact of User-Enerated Content (UGC) on Newspaper Election Coverage:Using Taiwan’ s 2016 Presidential Election as an Example
作者: 林宇玲
Yu-Ling Lin
關鍵字: 使用者自製內容;專業收編;選舉新聞;線上參與;解釋框架;user-generated content (UGC);professional incorporation;election news;online participation;interpretive frame
公開日期: 七月-2020
出版社: 國立交通大學傳播與科技學系
Department of Communication & Technology at National Chiao Tung University
Taiwan Academy for Information Society.
摘要: 本研究以內容分析法調查台灣四家報紙在 2016 年總統大選期間,如何在選舉報 導中挪用 UGC,結果發現報紙加入 UGC 並未改變選舉新聞的題材與偏向,反而是在 既有的慣例與解釋框架下,收編 UGC 為報社所用。 首先,就 UGC 的挪用數量來看,四報在選舉期間並未特別重視 UGC,在 5 個 月中僅出現 183 則,且以每日一則、每則一段和二段為主。另在引用目的和呈現方式 上,四報都偏重在「提供意見」,且以匿名化、概括化、模糊化的方式呈現網友,試 圖將網友意見指代為網路公眾意見。 其次,就 UGC 的政治表現來看,四報在報導上仍偏向「競選遊戲類」主題,且 傾向採用「有限框架」和「多元—封閉框架」,導致選舉報導加入 UGC,仍未脫離主 流媒體固有的報導模式。
This study content analyzed Taiwan’s four major newspapers’ user-generated content (UGC) in their coverage of the 2016 presidential election. Results showed that news reports appeared to remain biased while incorporating the UGC into their routines and interpretive frames. However, the use of UGC during the election was not extensive, with only 183 pieces in five months, approximately one piece per day, and no more than two paragraphs apiece. Specifically, the UGC in the four newspapers was found to serve as the “opinions” and “images” of the internet users as the abstract, vague and anonymous public. In addition, UGC was driven toward the “campaign games (horse racing news),” preferring the “restricted frame” and “plural-closed frame” to other news frames in the political contest.
URI: http://ccis.nctu.edu.tw/issue.asp?P_No=50
ISSN: 1680-8428
DOI: 10.29843/JCCIS.202007_(39).0003
期刊: 資訊社會研究
The Journal of Information Society
Issue: 39
起始頁: 29
結束頁: 70


  1. information society3903.pdf

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