標題: Pokemon GO 的「擴增實境」如何可能?一種科技現象學的詮釋
How is the “Augmented Reality” Possible in Pokemon GO?An Interpretative Approach of the Phenomenology of Technology
作者: 曹家榮
Chia-Rong Tsao
關鍵字: 科技現象學;Pokemon GO;擴增實境遊戲;混雜空間;位置感知科技;phenomenology of technology;Pokemon GO;augmented-reality games;the hybrid space;location-aware technologies
公開日期: Jul-2020
出版社: 國立交通大學傳播與科技學系
Department of Communication & Technology at National Chiao Tung University
Taiwan Academy for Information Society.
摘要: 本研究嘗試探究 Pokemon GO 這類所謂擴增實境遊戲的「擴增實境」如何可能? 不同於單純從技術的工具觀點判斷科技的「功能」是否或如何擴增實在,本研究透過 科技現象學的觀點說明這是如何透過遊戲操作實作過程才得以可能的。本研究主張, 這涉及了玩家將其與行動裝置間的體現及詮釋關係視為理所當然,進而得以展露出以 混雜空間為其背景脈絡的行動樣態。同時,玩家的行動導向也是在融合了詮釋與體現 的關係中,交織地解讀著虛擬物件與物理環境間的關係,進而實現了實在的擴增與混 雜。最後,對於 Pokemon GO 玩家來說,「相遇」正是再凸顯了「擴增實境」現象, 因為玩家們的互動持續維繫與再建構了彼此理所當然地接受(且預期對方也接受)的 「實在的擴增與混雜」。
This study attempts to answer the question about how could the augmented-reality game Pokemon GO bring the experience of the augmentation and hybridization of reality. The author argues that the perspective of the phenomenology of technology is more suitable than the usual technical point of view and would bring more inspirations on this issue. From the perspective, the “augmentation of reality” results from: (1) the “taken-for- grantedness” of embodiment and hermeneutic relations between the players and the mobile devices makes the activities in hybrid space possible; (2) the players interprets virtual and physical information interweavingly on the basis of the incorporation of the embodiment and hermeneutic relations; (3) the “encounters” between players precisely make the “augmented reality” more prominent because of the interactions implying the ongoing accomplishment of the augmented reality.
URI: http://ccis.nctu.edu.tw/issue.asp?P_No=50
ISSN: 1680-8428
DOI: 10.29843/JCCIS.202007_(39).0004
期刊: 資訊社會研究
The Journal of Information Society
Issue: 39
起始頁: 71
結束頁: 98
Appears in Collections:Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society

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