Title: Incoherent Laser Heterodyned Long-Reach 60-GHz MMWoF Link With Volterra Filtered 16-QAM OFDM Beyond 13 Gbps
Authors: Tsai, Cheng-Ting
Li, Chien-Cheng
Chen, Chao-Wei
Chi, Yu-Chieh
Lin, Chun-Ting
Chi, Sien
Lin, Gong-Ru
Institute of Photonic System
Keywords: Optical mixing;Optical transmitters;Optical fiber communication;Optical fibers;Optical filters;Optical receivers;Millimeter-wave over fiber (MMWoF);colorless laser diode (CLD);wavelength-locked modulator;incoherent optical heterodyne;QAM-OFDM;and Volterra filter equalization
Issue Date: 1-Mar-2021
Abstract: By remotely heterodyning two independent laser carriers, the long-reach 60-GHz millimeter-wave-over-fiber (MMWoF) link is demonstrated for the Volterra series filtered quadrature amplitude modulation orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (QAM-OFDM) transmission with nonlinear noise suppression, which enables 13-Gbps data delivery through 50-km single-mode fiber (SMF) and 3-m free-space links. A wavelength tunable colorless laser diode transmits the Volterra filter equalized QAM-OFDM data to remotely couple with a localized single-mode laser carrier at the optical receiving end of the MMWoF system. Such an incoherently coupled dual-mode carrier facilitates the optical single-carrier modulation to suppress chromatic dispersion induced power fading effect of the SMF transmitted QAM-OFDM data. The 2nd & x002B;3rd-order nonlinear noise induced by direct modulation, heterodyne conversion, and phase fluctuation of the incoherently coupled dual-mode carrier is corrected with the Volterra filter equalization to upgrade the decoded signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) by > 2 dB. After remotely heterodyning the downstream and the localized carriers with mutual incoherence in between, the 16-QAM OFDM transmission at a data rate up to 13.2 Gbps is successfully delivered over 3-m wireless link, which reveals the FEC certificated error vector magnitude of 14.1 & x0025;, SNR of 17 dB, and bit error rate of 1.7 & x00A0;& x00D7;& x00A0;10(& x2212;3).
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/JSTQE.2020.2991736
ISSN: 1077-260X
DOI: 10.1109/JSTQE.2020.2991736
Volume: 27
Issue: 2
Begin Page: 0
End Page: 0
Appears in Collections:Articles