標題: 瑜珈對泛自閉症幼兒發展之相關研究─台灣與德國之比較
Yoga to the Development of Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders-A Comparative Study of Taiwan and Germany
作者: 張子嫺
Zih-Shian Chang
Pi-Chun Hsu
(Shan-Ying Huang)
關鍵字: 瑜珈;自閉症;早期療育;yoga;autism spectrum disorders;early intervention
公開日期: 1-Dec-2011
出版社: 國立交通大學體育室
Office of Physical Education National Chiao Tung University
摘要: 目的:本研究提供一個以家庭為中心的計畫“瑜珈對泛自閉症幼兒之家庭”,以探究泛自閉症幼兒之認知與適應行為,包括智力、記憶力、動作技能、日常生活技能、社會技能與溝通等是否改善,以及此方法是否適合家長在家進行。方法:實驗以親子瑜珈為方法作為19名(9名台灣幼兒及10名德國幼兒)領有手冊之學齡前自閉症幼兒及其母親練習。母親在兩國分別接受親子瑜珈訓練後與孩子每日練習至少15分鐘共10個月。以Leiter-R, VABS/ ET6-6為工具,對參與研究的幼兒施以前測及後測。所得資料以成對樣本t檢定、Wilcoxon-Test及獨立樣本t檢定作顯著效果分析。結果:實驗結果顯示,親子瑜珈對兩國的幼兒在認知發展及不同的適應行為領域分別有不同的成效。其中兩國幼兒在智力及社會技能方面的進步均達顯著效果,德國幼兒則在日常生活技能及動作技能上亦達到顯著效果。結論:此實驗結果顯示瑜珈簡易可行且有效果,可以提供兩國家長做為與自閉症孩子在家互動的方法。惟本研究受限於樣本較小,未來需要更多的相關實驗研究投入以驗證之。
Purpose: The current study provided a family-centered program ”Yoga for the families of young children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD)” to research if the cognition, memory, motor skills, daily life skills, social skills and communication of the young children with ASD could be improved, and if yoga is an appropriate approach for the parents at home. Methods: Participants were 19 young children (9 in Taiwan and 10 in Germany) with ASD and their mothers (principal care givers). All the mothers obtained yoga training. During the program they had to interact with yoga with their children at least 15minutes everyday for 10 months. Leiter-R and VABS/ ET6-6 were used at baseline (T0) and after 10 months (T1). Results: Children revealed significant increases (p<.05) on many domains than baseline. Both groups had better outcomes by cognition and social skills. Different results at adaptive behavior between the groups in two countries for children with autism will be discussed. Conclusion: Yoga is an easy-to-do family-centered early intervention program, which can be practiced by the parents themselves at home. Positive attention to motor skills of young children with ASD could contribute to their cognition, social interaction and communication skills. Replication studies are needed to confirm these outcomes.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6462/JCDPE.201112.0031
ISSN: 2219-5696
DOI: 10.6462/JCDPE.201112.0031
期刊: 交大體育學刊
Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education
Issue: 2
起始頁: 29
結束頁: 43
Appears in Collections:Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education