標題: 小型運動觀光賽會運動觀光客之再訪意願研究
Revisit Intention of Small Scale Event Sport Tourist
作者: 楊子孟
Tzyy-Meng Yang
Pei-Chi Chen
Chin-Hung Chen
Shan-Ying Huang
關鍵字: 賽會滿意度;運動觀光吸引力;再訪意願;satisfaction of sport event;attraction of sport tourism;revisit intention
公開日期: 1-十二月-2012
出版社: 國立交通大學體育室
Office of Physical Education National Chiao Tung University
摘要: 在推展地方觀光上,藉由舉辦運動觀光賽會/活動是一經濟實惠的方法,一方面吸引運動觀光客參與盛會繁榮地方;另一方面在運動賽會結束後,再度造訪賽會主辦地,帶給賽會主辦地後續經濟助益。本研究目的在探討運動觀光客對2010桃園國際鐵人三項錦標賽的賽會滿意度與運動觀光吸引力與再訪意願的差異影響。方法:以2010桃園國際鐵人三項錦標賽為研究範圍,發展結構式問卷作為調查工具,針對參加2010桃園國際鐵人三項錦標賽之運動觀光客為問卷調查對象,以驗證研究假設,獲得以下結論:一、國際鐵人三項錦標賽運動觀光客對賽會滿意度權重依序為「賽會服務滿意度」、「可及性滿意度」、「主辦單位滿意度」與「場地安全滿意度」;二、運動觀光吸引力權重依序為「環境與氣氛吸引力」、「遊憩吸引力」與「生活機能吸引力」;三、運動觀光客對於賽會滿意度與運動觀光吸引力與再訪意願的認知情形會因個人特性不同而有所差異。根據研究結果,對主辦單位、有意舉辦運動觀光活動之相關地方政府部門提供實務上策略建議。
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among satisfaction of sport event, attraction of sport tourism, and revisit intention of the sport tourist for 2010 Taoyuan International Triathlon Championship. A purposive sampling technique for carrying out the choice of respondent selection for survey was used in this study. Of the 350 questionnaires distributed, 299 usable questionnaires were received, for a response rate of 85.43%. Data analysis was performed using SPSS and the results showed that they rated ”satisfaction of event service” as the highest level of satisfaction of sport event, and ”attraction of environment and atmosphere” as the highest level of attraction of sport tourism. In addition, the perceptions of satisfaction of sport event, attraction of sport tourism, and revisit intention varied with personal characteristics. Finally, the recommendations for hosing a sporting tourism event were also proposed in the light of the study findings.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6462/JCDPE.201212.0048
ISSN: 2219-5696
DOI: 10.6462/JCDPE.201212.0048
期刊: 交大體育學刊
Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education
Issue: 4
起始頁: 48
結束頁: 60