標題: 運動對肌肉生長抑制素之影響
The Effect of Exercise on Myostatin
作者: 陳韶華
Shau-Hwa Chen
Wei-Chang Liao
Ai-Chun Huang
關鍵字: 肌肉生長抑制素;有氧運動;阻力訓鍊;myostatin;aerobic exercise;resistance training
公開日期: 1-六月-2013
出版社: 國立交通大學體育室
Office of Physical Education National Chiao Tung University
摘要: 過去之研究發現人體肌力自25歲後會漸漸隨年齡增加而開始退化,而肌力退化會容易產生肌肉疲勞和肌肉痠痛的現象,進而提高受傷機會,如下背痛以及運動傷害等問題,因而影響生活品質、造成家庭和社會的醫療負擔。相關文獻發現:肌肉生長抑制素(Myostatin, MTSN)的濃度水平與肌肉質量有密切負相關:肌肉生長抑制素水平下降,肌肉質量會增多;肌肉生長抑制素水平升高,肌肉質量會降低。長期臥床或坐式生活型態會增加肌肉生長抑制素的濃度致使肌力下降;而長期或單次有氧運動和阻力訓練會降低肌肉生長抑制素的濃度進而提升肌力水平。故本文希望從運動生理學角度探討有氧運動和阻力訓練介入對體內肌肉生長抑制素之影響,以提供未來建議長期運動以促進肌力保持益處之參考。
Past studies have found that human muscle after the age of 25 will be gradually increased with age and began to degenerate, and muscle degradation will be prone to the phenomenon of muscle fatigue and muscle aches, thereby increasing the chances of getting hurt, as the problem of back pain, and sports injuries, and thus affect the quality of life, causing family medical and social burden. the relevant literature: myostatin hormone (Myostatin, MTSN) concentration level of muscle mass close negative correlation: myostatin hormone level reduce, muscle mass will increase; inhibin level increased myostatin hormone, muscle mass will reduce. Bedridden or sitting lifestyle will increase myostatin hormone and the inhibin concentrations resulting in decreased muscle strength; while the long-term or single aerobic exercise and resistance training to enhance muscle strength level to reduce the concentration of myostatin. Therefore, the propose of this topic hopes to explore from the perspective of sports physiology inhibin impact aerobic exercise and resistance training intervention on body muscle growth, to provide the proposed long-term sport habits to promote muscle strength to maintain the benefits of reference.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6462/JCDPE
ISSN: 2219-5696
DOI: 10.6462/JCDPE
期刊: 交大體育學刊
Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education
Issue: 5
起始頁: 41
結束頁: 49