標題: 世界杯橄欖球賽得分技術與得分發展之研究
Development of Scored Skills and Scored Points in Rugby World Cup
作者: 莊志仁
Chih-Jen Chuang
關鍵字: 達陣;達陣加踢;罰踢射門;落踢球射門;tries;conversions;penalties;drop goal
公開日期: 1-十二月-2019
出版社: 國立交通大學體育室
Office of Physical Education
National Chiao Tung University
摘要: 世界杯橄欖球被譽為觀看人口僅次於奧運與世界杯足球賽的大型賽事,使橄欖球運動成為全球最受歡迎的運動項目之一。在臺灣,橄欖球運動發展歷史相當悠久,了解世界橄欖球的發展趨式,有助於臺灣橄欖球運動發展與世界接軌。目的:因此,本研究旨在探討歷屆(1987~2019)世界杯橄欖球賽得分與得分技術演進的狀況,再進一步分析世界杯橄欖球賽參賽國各隊晉級與否之得分技術差異,方法:透過世界杯橄欖球賽官方網站提供的歷屆比賽資料,藉由描述性統計量及獨立樣本t檢定得以下結果。結果:一、世界杯橄欖球賽呈現高分差的趨勢發展,平均每場達陣次數與達陣加踢得分次數也出現緩和的趨勢,罰踢射門得分次數與落踢球射門得分這兩項技術皆出現大幅減少的現象。二、世界杯橄欖球賽中晉級與未晉級的國家在平均每場得分數及各項得分技術上皆有顯著差異存在。結論:當前橄欖球運動的發展趨勢與過去相關文獻所述世界趨勢有出入,亦存在著強者恆強的態勢。
Rugby World Cup (RWC) is a mega event that the number of audiences is next to the Olympic Game and FIFA World Cup, which makes the Rugby World Cup become one of the most popular sports in the world. The development of Taiwan's rugby has its long history. Understanding the developmental trend of world rugby helps the Taiwan's rugby to connect with the world rugby. Purpose: Therefore, this study aimed to explore the development of Rugby World Cup's scoring and scoring skills over the past world cups and the difference between the scoring skills of different national teams who enter the secondary match. Method: Through the data collected from the RWC official website, the author found the following results adopting the descriptive statistics and independent t test. Results: (1) RWC shows the developmental trend of high scoring. The average of the number of tries and conversions seems decreasing. The penalties and drop goals are also decreasing drastically. (2) Among the teams who enter the secondary match and do not enter the secondary match, there is a significant difference between the scoring in each game and the different scoring skills. Conclusion: The current trend of rugby development is different past literatures described and the stronger always the winners.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6462/JCDPE
ISSN: 2219-5696
DOI: 10.6462/JCDPE
期刊: 交大體育學刊
Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education
Issue: 15
起始頁: 13
結束頁: 25