Title: 論杜潘芳格的基督信仰與詩歌創作
On Connections between Du-Pan Fang-Ge's Poetry and Christian Faith
Authors: 張孝慧
Hsiao-hui Chang
Keywords: 基督教;現代詩;客語詩;Christianity;Modern Chinese Poetry;Hakka Poetry
Issue Date: Nov-2019
Publisher: 國立交通大學客家文化學院
College of Hakka Studies, National Chiao Tung University
Abstract: 2016年3月臺灣女詩人杜潘芳格逝世,回顧其文學作品與生命哲思,基督信仰為其人生依歸與詩思泉源。杜潘出生於新竹新埔客家庄,她是第四代基督徒,意即於十九世紀後期,她的外曾祖父詹鵬材即已開始信奉這種當時客家人眼中的「番仔教」,並且代代相傳。杜潘也延續了家族宗教傳承,帶領兒孫進入教會,讀經禱告。對杜潘而言,基督信仰是她最重要的生命向度。藉由她的詩作與口述歷史以及家人、朋友對她的懷想,我們可以透視她對《聖經》真理的渴慕、對客語宣教的付出以及如何將其所思所行化為詩篇。本研究的主要目的在探究杜潘芳格的家族信仰、神學思維、文學創作以及長期參與的客家福音運動,進而論證與神親近的關係是這位基督徒女詩人的生命根基。
Du-Pan Fang-Ge (1927–2016), a Christian poet in Taiwan, passed away in March 2016. She was born in a Hakka Christian family, and her mother's grandparents were believers of Jesus Christ. In fact, the number of Christians were few in Taiwan in the latter half of the 19th century. In Du-Pan's Christian ancestors' era, the number of Christian people in Taiwan had decreased considerably. Nonetheless, Christian faith became a solid foundation for Du-Pan's life and poetic creation. The interviews with her, thought, emotion, and theology in her poems, as well as her family's and friends' viewpoints on her religious beliefs, all reveal that she was not only earnest in seeking the truth in the Bible but also willing to preach the gospel to the Hakka community. Here, I trace the origin of Christianity in Du-Pan Fang-Ge's family, and I also illustrate her faithful life and explicate the theology, aesthetics, and Hakka consciousness in her poetry.
URI: http://ghk.nctu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=50&CA_ID=532
ISSN: 2308-2437
Journal: 全球客家研究
Global Hakka Studies
Issue: 13
Begin Page: 1
End Page: 42
Appears in Collections:Global Hakka Studies

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