Title: | 好奇與惱怒:誘餌式網路文章標題的正負面效應 Curiosity and Irritation: The positive and negative effects of Clickbait |
Authors: | 周峰莎 賴明政 汪志堅 張紘毓 蔡坤宏 Feng-Sha Chou Ming-Cheng Lai Chih-Chien Wang Hong-Yu Jhang Kuen-Hung Tsai |
Keywords: | 誘餌式標題;好奇;誇大;資訊豐富度;惱怒;Clickbait;Exaggeration;Curiosity;Informativeness;Irritation |
Issue Date: | 1-Jan-2022 |
Publisher: | 國立陽明交通大學經營管理研究所 Institute of Business and Magement, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University |
Abstract: | 網路上,經常可以看到一些文章,以誇大或具有吸引力的標題來吸引閱聽人的目光,以求獲得高點閱及分享,此種標題稱為誘餌式標題。誘餌式標題是否真的能吸引閱聽人,獲得閱聽人青睞?或者只是引發閱聽人的惱怒?是本研究試圖回答的問題。本研究欲了解閱聽人對誘餌式標題是否具較高的閱讀意願,以及當文章的資訊豐富程度不同的情況下,閱聽人對於具有誘餌式標題的網頁文章的閱後態度會是如何。本研究以問卷法,針對473位具網路閱讀經驗之使用者進行調查,並以結構方程模式進行分析。本研究之結果發現:(一)誘餌式標題的誇大程度對閱讀意願具顯著負向影響,過於誇大的題目,並無法引發閱聽人的閱讀意願;(二)閱聽人的好奇會正面影響閱讀意願,標題愈能引發閱聽人的好奇心,閱聽人就愈會點擊閱讀;(三)具豐富內容、有趣內容的文章,即使採用誘餌式標題,閱聽人閱讀之後,也不會產生惱怒,相反的,如果採用誘餌式標題,但文章不具豐富、有趣的內容,則會引發閱聽人的惱怒。從學術理論貢獻的角度,本研究探討了誇大與具吸引力標題在閱讀意願的影響,也討論到了誘餌式標題文章的內容豐富度與娛樂性對於惱怒與滿足的影響。從實務貢獻的角度,本研究了解到閱聽人對於誘餌式標題的真實感受,網站編輯者可以了解到如何制定合適的標題,創造出閱聽人與網路媒體的雙贏。 There are plenty of online articles that use article titles or headlines with attractive and exaggerated wording to attract online users' attention. These attractive online article titles are named as clickbait headlines that used to obtain high rates of click-through and sharing. However, people may wonder if these clickbait headlines can indeed attract audiences and are accepted by audiences, or just make the audiences irritated. This current study aims to know whether audiences have a higher reading intention on reading online articles with clickbait headlines. Besides, the study also hopes to discuss audiences' attitude after reading the articles with clickbait headlines and the influence of information richness and playfulness on audiences' attitude. The current study adopted a questionnaire survey of 473 subjects, and used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to analyze the data. Based on the empirical survey results, we concluded that (1) The over exaggerated clickbait headlines had a negative effect on audiences' intention to read the articles. (2) Audiences usually had higher intention to read articles with clickbait headlines than articles with normal titles. (3) Clickbait articles with richness and playfulness information in the content would not make audiences irritated, while clickbait ones without richness and playfulness content would not make audiences irritated. The research results can contribute to both academics and practitioners. For academics, the current study contributed academic development by realizing the role of curiosity and title exaggeration on reading intention, and exploring the influence of content richness and playfulness on reading gratification and irritation to clickbait articles. From practical aspects, website content editors can use the research results of the current study to develop appropriate article headlines, which can hope to create a win-win scenario for both audience and online content providers. |
URI: | http://dx.doi.org/10.29416/JMS.202201_29(1).0001 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/155856 |
ISSN: | 1023-9863 |
DOI: | 10.29416/JMS.202201_29(1).0001 |
Journal: | 管理與系統 Journal of Management and Systems |
Volume: | 29 |
Issue: | 1 |
Begin Page: | 1 |
End Page: | 28 |
Appears in Collections: | Journal of Management and System |