Title: 西方學者眼中的客家美濃:以人類學家孔邁隆教授已發表之作品為討論
Review of the Continued Ethnography: One Town, Half Century, One Ethnographer
Authors: 洪馨蘭
Hsin-lan Hung
Keywords: Myron L. Cohen(孔邁隆);美濃;客家;民族誌學者(人類學家);Myron L. Cohen;Meinong;Hakka;Ethnographer(anthropologist)
Issue Date: Nov-2020
Publisher: 國立交通大學客家文化學院
College of Hakka Studies, National Chiao Tung University
Abstract: 1960年代青年美國人類學者孔邁隆(Myron L. Cohen),開始了以臺灣美濃作為村落民族誌的田野地,也開啟了他長達半世紀至今與美濃這個田野之間的緊密聯繫,同時建構了他普為人知的漢人人類學研究。長期地往返田野地使他不僅與報導人家庭建立了深厚的情感連結,不同時期蒐集的素材與田野資料,也讓他的作品累積成理解南臺灣客家文化的一家之言,並成為臺灣客家研究的重要資產。在孔邁隆教授過去的重要作品中,呈現出因分析不同性質田野材料而多樣貌的研究取徑,從早期直接來自長期參與觀察所得到的民族誌視野,逐漸加入家族文書分析等偏向歷史學的範疇。他的研究被當地人收錄在地方誌中,透過翻譯與傳播,間接提供當地人獲得這種「他人之眼」,進而關懷家鄉,而在學術上更具有推動客家研究的貢獻。
In the 1960s, Myron L. Cohen from the United States started his anthropological research in Meinong, a Hakka town in southern Taiwan. The ethnographic fieldwork has not only established the materials and field data collected in different periods, but also made his works accumulate into a “family” understanding of the Hakka culture in southern Taiwan and become one of the important research in Taiwan Hakka study. In Cohen's main works, it presents a variety of research methods for analyzing different types of field materials. From the early ethnographic vision directly derived from long-term participation in observation, it gradually joined the category of historical anthropology, such as family document analysis. This article summarizes Cohen's contributions to Hakka research in Taiwan by reviewing Cohen's half-century works and publications.
URI: http://ghk.nctu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=52&CA_ID=558
ISSN: 2308-2437
Journal: 全球客家研究
Global Hakka Studies
Issue: 15
Begin Page: 137
End Page: 174
Appears in Collections:Global Hakka Studies

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