Title: | 中國跨界民族身分策略中的國家意識:京族面對越族的區隔與聯繫 |
Authors: | 石之瑜 |
Keywords: | 京族;朝鮮族;大板瑤族;越南族;跨界民族;Kinh;Korean;Daban Yao;Vietnamese;cross-border nationality |
Issue Date: | 1-Sep-2005 |
Publisher: | 國立陽明交通大學出版社 National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Press |
Abstract: | 政治學的分析單位是國家,國家的前提在於國界,新近關於國界意識模糊的現象,挑戰了政治學的基礎。國際關係文獻已經開始回應這個挑戰,但鮮有文獻由國內少數民族身分出發來檢討國界。本篇針對此一闕遺進行考察,重點是中國京族,並與朝鮮族與大板瑤族比較。中國邊境有許多跨界民族,如東北朝鮮族近年日益受重視,國家對朝族身分意識採取積極扶持的政策,這種正面介入使朝族身分與中華民族身分(或中國公民身分)之間,形成互補而非競爭的關係。至於京族,因為歷史與發展程度的因素,對越族感到優越,藉用中國公民身分與越族區隔。但京、越文化又高度互通,維持了京族在國家範疇內的獨特性。大板瑤社群情形類似,他們得以藉中國公民身分處理跨界民族面對兩國戰爭時的尷尬。兩族的經驗顯示,跨界民族不須被動接受國家動員,他們可運用國家公民身分,使國界的意義不受國家控制,也不受政治學的控制。 Ethnic Communities on the sovereign borders often face the problem of double identities. This paper reports on the identity strategy of the Kinh people on the Sino-Vietnamese borders. Basically, the Kinh people identify with the Vietnamese identities culturally, but are able to separate them from the backward image in their identity as a Chinese citizen. The paper studies how the preservation of the cultural identity parallels with the construction of a separate state identity. State is reduced to an identity strategy in this case, suggesting the people on the border are not always passively torn between multiple sovereign controls. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/157371 |
ISSN: | 1816-0514 |
Journal: | 文化研究 Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies |
Issue: | 1 |
Begin Page: | 147 |
End Page: | 168 |
Appears in Collections: | Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies |