Title: 去/再領域化的西門町:「擬東京」消費地景的想像與建構
Authors: 李明璁
Keywords: 去/再領域化;地景;跨文化消費;西門町;Taipei Walker雜誌;de/re-territorialization;landscape;cross-cultural consumption;Ximending;Taipei Walker
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2009
Publisher: 國立陽明交通大學出版社
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Press
Abstract: 本研究藉由對台北西門町消費地景變遷的歷史與民族誌考察,反省並修補晚近全球化理論中相當盛行的「去領域化」概念。本文主張:去領域化不該是「無國界」或「除地域性」的簡單想像,所有去領域都必然伴隨著再領域化。去/再領域化的歷史不是單線性發展,而是辯證的推拉過程。本文解釋了不同時期在西門町的居住/行動者(日本殖民者、戰後中國移民、晚近台北青少年等),如何透過挪用或模擬遠方異地的消費素材,以實踐他們的文化想像計畫。此外,本文亦進一步以經常報導西門町的Taipei Walker-來自日本、卻生產在地消費情報的雜誌為案例,說明這個跨文化的消費鍊結與想像社群如何形成。由此,西門町的地景宛若一張羊皮紙,既更迭抹除、卻又沈積堆疊著日本殖民現代性、國府發展主義邏輯、以及在地/跨國聯結的青年次文化等遺緒,從而建構出如今我們所見:台日文化交混雜揉的「擬東京」消費地景。
This article argues against the prevailing thinking that celebrates deterritorialization by taking its superficial images such as ”borderlessness” or ”de-territoriality”, and then demonstrates that deterritorialization is not a linear/one-way process but a dialectical pushand-pull. As with the dialectic nexus of globalization and localization, where there is deterritorialization, there is also reterritorialization. The idea has been applied to my historical/ethnographical study of Taipei's Ximending. I explain how earlier Japanese colonists, later Chinese immigrants and recently young Taiwanese have successively practiced their culturalimaginative projects by imitating differently the distant Other's landscapes of consumption. Another case study, of the transnational production and crosscultural consumption of Taipei Walker magazine, follows. This explores the embedded Japanese consumerism in Taipei, particularly associated with today's Ximending. Taipei's young people, city planners, entertainment capital, and Japanese media join forces to construct a new urban space-neither Taiwanese nor Japanese-of ”Tokyo-like Ximending”.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6752/jcs.200906_(9).0004
ISSN: 1816-0514
DOI: 10.6752/jcs.200906_(9).0004
Journal: 文化研究
Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies
Issue: 9
Begin Page: 119
End Page: 163
Appears in Collections:Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies

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