標題: 視覺變奏曲:日據時期台灣人的電影實踐
作者: 李政亮
關鍵字: 日據時期;電影;現代性;殖民;大眾文化;Japan occupied era;cinema;modernity;colony;popular culture
公開日期: 1-三月-2006
出版社: 國立陽明交通大學出版社
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Press
摘要: 電影的發展過程當中,與現代性密不可分。在講求實用科技的年代當中電影孕育而生。電影誕生的年代,卻也是西方帝國主義擴張的年代,西方殖民者一方面透過影像建構帝國形象,另一方面從文明/野蠻的觀點建立被殖民者的形象。西方的現代性經驗與台灣是有距離的。不過,台灣卻在1895年開始受新興帝國日本的統治。在這個現代性生活當中,殖民者運用影像透過教育系統傳達殖民者所欲建構的現代文明生活與愛國教育;另外,隨著殖民者對休閒生活的引進,電影也以休閒娛樂的方式出現。 針對殖民者的作法,反殖民運動如何回應?1920年代的文化協會的目標是追求現代文明,儘管文協知識分子已意識到大眾的存在,然而,問題是透過什麼樣的媒介對一般大眾進行啟蒙?白話文運動與巡迴演說都是一種嘗試。不過,相較於白話文運動與巡迴演說,文協的電影巡映隊透過影像與語言的結合,補足了兩者的不足。文協轉向之後,左翼藝術團體高舉「大眾文化」的旗幟,不過,就演劇來說,則是以為藝術而藝術的方式建立群眾基礎。而右翼的台灣民眾黨則對歌仔戲採取激烈的批評態度。 電影除了是政治運動的實踐,也是一種休閒娛樂。作為娛樂的電影當中,辯士的解說成為觀影的關鍵,到了1930年代,流行文化工作者透過介入流行音樂的方式,讓電影更加本土化,也將1930年代的電影發展帶進另一個高潮。
There was a close relationship between the development of cinema and western modernity. As the expanding of cinema, it was the time western imperialism expanded. On the one hand, the western colonialists built the images for their empires through the cinema, and on the other hands, to build the images of the colonies through cinema from the view of civilized/uncivilized. Japanese imperialism commenced its colonization on Taiwan from 1895. The Japanese colonialist used the cinema to propagate the modernization life and patriotism. In the 1920s, the aim of the anti-colonialism group, Taiwanese Culture Association, was to pursue Taiwan's own modernity. They were conscious about the importance of the mass. But their problem was through which media channel they could enlighten the mass effectively? Literary reform and speech are two important attempts to solve this problem. Compared with them, however, the exhibition of cinema was a more effective way to enlighten the mass because of its combination cinema and speech. After Taiwanese Culture Association changed their aims, left-wing culture groups arose the term of 'poplar culture,' but for drama, their attitude on building the base with large masses through purchasing the value of art itself. On the other hand, the right-wing political party, their attitude to Taiwanese opera was more criticized. Cinema was both a political practice and a leisure style. The Banshi had been a key man tot the cinema, besides, in 1930s, those who worked in the popular culture industry involved the cinema by popular music and novel, they brought cinema into localized and more popular in 1930s.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6752/jcs.200603_(2).0004
ISSN: 1816-0514
DOI: 10.6752/jcs.200603_(2).0004
期刊: 文化研究
Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies
Issue: 2
起始頁: 127
結束頁: 166


  1. Router-2006-2-6.pdf

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