Title: 始作俑者:從《科學心理學大綱》到譚嗣同、康有為與章炳麟
Authors: 易鵬
Keywords: 佛洛伊德;譚嗣同;康有為;章炳麟;科學心理學大綱;否定;自戀;精神分裂;Sigmund Freud;Tang Sitong;Kang Youwei;Zhang Pinglin;Project for a Scientific Psychology;Negation;Narcissism;Schizophrenia
Issue Date: 1-Mar-2007
Publisher: 國立陽明交通大學出版社
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Press
Abstract: 此篇論文主要初步勾畫出譚嗣同、康有為與章炳麟作品中可以經由精神分析理論,尤其是「否定」此一主題,來進一步發展的可能性。這個否定的主題,分別與譚嗣同的理想自我、康有為的影戲以及章炳麟的器官書寫有關。同時此一主線所隱含的整體場景,亦可以運用於思考佛洛伊德的《科學心理學大綱》(Project for a Scientific Psychology),作為一種借用神經科學與生理學、電學語言的一種原初活動紀錄。上述三位在世紀末的思想家饒富思想翻轉,權宜,拼湊博取,寓言式的前驅性與《大綱》類似,他們指向一個充分體現此前驅特徵的場景,在其中,初始心靈,在外來幫手(鄰人或是強而有力鄰近科學的語言)的介入下,經由吶喊、情緒、語言、思想,來面對嚴苛外在自然。
This paper considers the possibility of reading three late Qing thinkers, Tang Sitong, Kang Youwei and Zhang Pinglin, from the perspective of Sigmund Freud's Project for a Scientific Psychology. The theme that brings them together centers around the concern of negation, or ”negativism,” within the context of staking out a beginning and an origin. It is this originating sense that Freud's Project, the seminal pre-analytic work wherein Freud charts out the parallel physiological and psychic worlds, perhaps can serve as the common background for the efforts of the three thinkers. Tang Sitong's narcissistic narrative, Kang Youwei's self-canceling dramatization of the birth of the symbol via a puppy show, and Zhang Pingling's schizophrenic language variously enact the ”originary” scenario.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/157482
ISSN: 1816-0514
Journal: 文化研究
Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies
Issue: 4
Begin Page: 135
End Page: 173
Appears in Collections:Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies