標題: 恐懼的政治性:養老保險與中國農民工
作者: 史唯
關鍵字: 農民工;養老保險;恐懼的政治性身體;主體性;身分認同;Migrant worker;Pension insurance;Politics of fear;Body;Subjectivity
公開日期: 1-Dec-2017
出版社: 國立陽明交通大學出版社
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Press
摘要: 農民工的社會保障問題所引發的社會衝突,已經成為當今中國大陸社會危機的重要組成部分之一。本文主要以深圳慶盛工廠的農民工因為養老保險的問題所導致的集體罷工事件為主要的分析案例,從情感的、政治性的角度來探討農民工作為社會最弱勢的群體之一,在遭遇脆弱的社會保障時所產生的恐懼,以及由此而產生的政治行動。本文主要的問題意識,包括恐懼的政治性如何在一種關係性的權力架構中循環和相互作用,即權力集團基於自身對於失去權力的恐懼如何發展出一套「自上而下」的治理策略,通過長期的政策性歧視,以及與資本的共謀,造成了農民工們因未來生活沒有保障而感到恐懼,而這些處於弱勢的、「自下而上」的恐懼,又是如何轉化成為具體的政治行動,反過來強化了權力集團的恐懼。沿著這樣的分析路徑,本文著重探討這些性質不同、方向各異的恐懼的政治性,如何錯綜複雜地交織在一起,尤其是如何通過身體的控制以及主體性和身分認同的建構來展示政治對抗。對於處於多重壓迫下的農民工而言,恐懼的政治性作為一種培力實踐,反映出他們試圖擺脫既有權力關係的限制,重新定位自己,並努力以此生產出新的、更為公平公正的權力關係。
The social conflict triggered by social insurance contributions has become a key component of the ensuing crisis of contemporary mainland China. This article focuses on an episode of the strike action staged by a group of migrant workers at a UNIQLO supplier in Shenzhen, exploring the vulnerable group's fear generated by the underpayment of social security and the political action that follows, from the perspective of affective politics. This paper investigates the ways in which politics of fear configures and articulates in a relational structure of power; the hegemony formulates a set of top-down strategies of governance out of the fear for losing power, which in turn create the fear of migrant workers through the long-standing prejudicial policies and complicities with capital; the transformation of government-inflicted fear into concrete political action from the bottom up and the intensification of fear of the hegemony. Through such analytic trajectory, this paper explores the heterogeneous political formations of fear, how they are interwoven in complex ways, and in particular how the performance of opposition is made possible through the body and the construction of identity. For the migrant workers under multiple forms of repression, the politics of fear may create a space of self-empowerment, allowing them to reshape self-identities and subvert the existing power relations in their adversarial confrontations.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6752/jcs.201802_(25).0007
ISSN: 1816-0514
DOI: 10.6752/jcs.201802_(25).0007
期刊: 文化研究
Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies
Issue: 25
起始頁: 183
結束頁: 214
Appears in Collections:Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies

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