Title: 具配送車隊電子商務業者配送服務策略:考量實體零售商店鋪分布密度與供需互動關係
Delivery Strategy for E-Commerce Operator with Delivery Fleet by Considering Distribution Density of Physical Stores and Demand-Supply Interaction
Authors: 李慧潔
Hui-Chieh Li
Hua-Wei Li
Keywords: 配送車隊;電子商務;零售商店鋪分布密度;供需互動;Delivery Fleet;E-commerce;Physical Store Distribution Density;Demand-supply Interaction
Issue Date: 1-Jul-2022
Publisher: 國立陽明交通大學經營管理研究所
Institute of Business and Magement, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Abstract: 本研究以具配送車隊電子商務業者為研究對象,應用隨機性效用函數、解析性方法與數學規劃模式,考量配送服務策略,包括合作零售商選擇與配送頻次等決策對消費者需求量與總成本之綜合影響,構建以利潤最大為目標,供需互動為限制之數學規劃模式。本研究結果說明考量供需互動模式較過去將需求量設定為外生給定模式之規劃結果,於市場占有率、收益和利潤的表現均較優越。研究結果顯示,業者採與零售商合作之店配服務策略優於宅配服務策略,雖然宅配服務可帶來較高需求量,收益明顯增加,然在未達運輸規模經濟下,運輸成本增加顯著,在收益增加幅度顯著小於成本上升幅度下,宅配服務利潤較低且若配送頻次更密集,有可能造成虧損。本研究根據實證結果說明管理上的意涵與建議。
The study explores the strategic decisions regarding physical retailer cooperation choice and delivery service frequency for e-commerce operator with delivery fleet by considering store distribution density and demand-supply interaction. The demand function is formulated approach. A mathematical programming model is further constructed by assuming the operator pursuing a maximized profit subject to demand-supply interaction. Results show models with demand-supply interaction generate higher profit than those assuming demand is constant and given. Results show store delivery yields an increased profit than home delivery does. Managerial implications and suggestions are also provided.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29416/jms.202207_29(3).0004
ISSN: 1023-9863
DOI: 10.29416/jms.202207_29(3).0004
Journal: 管理與系統
Journal of Management and Systems
Volume: 29
Issue: 3
Begin Page: 387
End Page: 407
Appears in Collections:Journal of Management and System