Title: 體育教師實施遠距體育教學之困境與對策
Difficulties and Countermeasures of Physical Education Teachers Implementing Distance Physical Education Teaching
Authors: 王彥邦
Yen-Pang Wang
Hui-Min Lin
Jui-Fu Chen
Keywords: 新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19);線上課程;體育課;教師專業;學習效益;Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19);online courses;physical education;teacher profession;learning benefits
Issue Date: 1-Dec-2022
Publisher: 國立陽明交通大學體育室
Office of Physical Education
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Abstract: 目的:教育部提出「停課不停學」的政策,期望透過遠距教學來克服 不能到校學習之情勢,為探討將學校體育課程轉變為遠距教學後,所遇到的困境。方法:以質性訪談方式,透過半結構式訪談8位高中以下實施遠距體育教學之教師,蒐集實際操作的情況、授課經驗與策略,並歸納出因應疫情遠距體育教學之困境與解決方案。結果:發現教師實施遠距體育教學時,主要困境為一、軟硬體設備不足;二、軟體操作不熟悉;三、場地與器材限制;四、課程目標落實不易等困境,並以此提出具體解決策略。結論:體育教師可錄製系統性教學影集,提供非同步教學資源;提升師生資訊能力,提供教學步驟之影片或圖片;能透過任務型導向教學,促進學生學習動機;調整課程內容適應場地限制,提升多元動作經驗的學習;充分運用網路資源,提供多面向的學習管道等策略方式克服遠距教學的阻礙,希冀本研究結果能提供教學單位或現場教師參考,進而增進學生學習效益。
Purpose: The Ministry of Education proposed the policy of suspending classes without stopping", hoping to overcome the situation of not being able to study at school through distance teaching, in order to explore the difficulties encountered after the school physical education curriculum was transformed into distance teaching. Methods: Qualitative interviews were used to conduct semi-structured interviews with 8 teachers who implemented distance physical education teaching below high school, collected the actual operation situation, teaching experience and strategies, and summarized the difficulties and solutions of distance physical education teaching in response to the epidemic. Program. Results found that when teachers implemented distance physical education, they encountered difficulties such as: 1. insufficient software and hardware equipment; 2. unfamiliar software operation; 3. parents unable to cooperate; Propose specific solutions. Conclusion In response to the extraordinary period of the epidemic, although teachers are not familiar with distance teaching, they are still in a state of groping while implementing, but as long as they grasp important principles and uphold teaching beliefs, they will be able to quickly keep up with the trend of the times. It is hoped that the results of this study can provide reference for teaching units or on-site teachers, thereby enhancing students' learning efficiency."
URI: https://www.airitilibrary.com/Publication/alDetailedMesh?DocID=P20110824004-N202302030008-00003&PublishTypeID=P001
ISSN: 2219-5696
Journal: 交大體育學刊
Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education
Issue: 18
Begin Page: 26
End Page: 40
Appears in Collections:Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education