標題: 作為證物與證詞之人:臺灣當代女性官兵的性別人權困境
She Serves as Living Proof: Gender and Human Rights Impasse of Contemporary Women Soldiers in Taiwan
作者: 鄭芳婷
Fan-Ting CHENG
關鍵字: 女性官兵;軍隊;性別平權;臺灣;婦女運動;人權;Women Soldiers;Military;Gender Equality;Taiwan;Feminist Movement;Human Rights
公開日期: 1-四月-2023
出版社: 國立陽明交通大學出版社
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Press
摘要: 當代女性主義與婦女運動方興未艾,軍事領域卻因其例外屬性,長期懸置性別議題。臺灣女性官兵的發展起自民國肇建,其時以輔助與照護性軍職為主;解嚴後,國防部系統性擴展女性官兵的招募,但直至近年始開放女性官兵進入特殊單位或擔任大型、尖端武器操作。於此同時,政府單位與新聞媒體出現大量宣傳報導,其中部分女性官兵遭受歧視性角色形塑。本文從女性官兵匿名採訪紀錄切入,針對《大雲時堂》談話性節目、社群平台宣傳圖文、航太展人力部署、國防部廣告與出版著作等一系列文獻材料、事件與現象進行分析,揭露官方口徑一致的矛盾論述:一方面提倡無分性別的軍事標準,另一方面則指認性別差異並要求女性官兵自我提升。在此論述之下,女性官兵迫於彼此牽制,其專業表現被化約為個人的道德與意志問題,軍事領域的性別歧視與壓迫更遭受嚴重隱匿。換言之,臺灣當代女性官兵往往並非性別平權的實際受惠者,而是在多種公開場合被迫作為性別平權的證物與證詞,此為當前軍事領域性別平權運動的悖論與侷限。
Gender issues in the military are often overlooked due to its antidemocratic and bureaucratic nature. During the early years of the Republic of China's establishment, women soldiers were primarily assigned to nursing and administrative roles. Following the lifting of Martial Law, the Ministry of National Defense, R.O.C. began recruiting more women soldiers. However, it was only in recent years that women soldiers have been permitted to serve in roles involving high-tech and sophisticated weaponry. Meanwhile, governmental institutes and mass media have been disseminating a significant amount of news and propaganda that problematically portray women soldiers from sexiest perspectives. To address this issue, this paper conducts anonymous interviews with five high-ranking women soldiers to investigate a range of materials and events. These include the TV Talk show Da Win Dining" featuring a roundtable discussion with women soldiers, the curation of the recent Taipei Aerospace & Defense Technology Exhibition, and the military government's official posts on social media and published literatures. These cases reveal a paradoxical ideology that advocates for a gender-neutral military standard while simultaneously accusing women soldiers of inherent shortcomings and demanding self-improvement. This precarious logic forces women soldiers to compete with and oppress one another, assessing their professional performances based on individual morality and agency, and seriously shrouds the fact of sexiest oppression in the military. Contemporary women soldiers in Taiwan have yet to benefit significantly from current gender equality policies, and are instead silenced and performative living proof to serve the official needs of legitimizing those policies. This paper argues for recognition of the paradox within the current gender movement and considers this impasse a potential singularity from which to envision a more egalitarian horizon."
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6752/jcs.202304_(36).0014
ISSN: 1816-0514
DOI: 10.6752/jcs.202304_(36).0014
期刊: 文化研究
Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies
Issue: 36
起始頁: 365
結束頁: 395


  1. Router-2023-36-14.pdf

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