Title: 【學術研討】日本沖繩科學技術大學院大學 Kenji Doya 教授演講:What Can We Further Learn From the Brain for AI and Robotics
【Seminar】Professor Kenji Doya's Speech on What Can We Further Learn from the Brain for AI and Robotics
Authors: 洪偉
Issue Date: Jun-2023
Publisher: 國立陽明交通大學資訊學院
College of Computer Science, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
URI: https://www.cs.nycu.edu.tw/csauto/dashboard-backend/storage/attachments/kfdRGpevqsOfCivHg9YwDcdJaQUKtLHLASgZ8hJj.pdf
Journal: 陽明交大資訊人
NYCU CCS Magazine
Begin Page: 24
End Page: 25
Appears in Collections:交大資訊人


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