標題: 從素養到行動:探討公民線上推理能力與查證分享行為的關係
From literacy to Action: Investigating the Relationship between Civic Online Reasoning and Fact-Checking Before Sharing in the Context of Misinformation
作者: 施琮仁
Tsung-Jen Shih
關鍵字: 不實訊息防治;反事實分析;公民線上推理能力;橋接型社會資本;查證分享行為;Civic Online Reasoning;Counterfactual Analysis;Fact-checking before Sharing;False Information;Bridging Social Capital
公開日期: 七月-2023
出版社: 國立陽明交通大學傳播與科技學系
Department of Communication & Technology at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Taiwan Academy for Information Society.
摘要: 近來學者們開始推廣「公民線上推理能力」,試圖透過提升人們評估網路訊息的技巧,減少不實訊息的傳播。然而,相關研究主要檢視工作坊在培養該能力上的角色,並未關注其他的養成管道(例如媒體與人際網絡結構),也未探索可此能力是否具有效用,本研究彌補此一研究缺口。本研究運用台灣傳播調查資料庫第二期第四次調查資料,探討公民線上推理能力形成的因素,以及和查證分享行為之間的關係。反事實分析結果發現,公民線上推理能力和查證分享行為有正面關係,而結構方程模型結果亦指出公民線上推理能力能透過不實訊息影響感知產生間接效果。此外,較常觀看網路新聞、接觸網路名人,以及橋接型社會資本較多的民眾,公民線上推理能力也較高。
The emergence of social media has increased the speed and scope of disseminating false information. Combating misinformation has, therefore, become one of the most pressing issues in countries around the world, including Taiwan. Among various means of prevention, the skills of evaluating online content are especially important, also known as “civic online reasoning” (COR). However, most studies in this field focused on the role of workshops in facilitating COR and did not examine the utility of it. This study explores other factors that contribute to the development of COR, with a particular emphasis on the effect of media use and social capital. The current study is also one of very few research that investigates the “fact-checking before sharing” behavior. Based on the 2020 Taiwan Communication Survey, the results of the counterfactual analysis show a positive relationship between COR and fact-checking before sharing. The structural equation model indicates that COR is indirectly associated with fact-checking before sharing through the perceived impact of false information. In addition, people who frequently consume online news, engage with online opinion leaders, and have more bridging social capital also have higher levels of COR.
URI: https://ccis.dcat.nycu.edu.tw/web/backissues/backissues_list_in.jsp?lang=tw&pp_id=PP1690818882739&left_code=cp
ISSN: 1680-8428
DOI: 10.29843/JCCIS.202307_(45).0003
期刊: 資訊社會研究
The Journal of Information Society
Issue: 45
起始頁: 51
結束頁: 89


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