标题: 士绅化以外:台北大稻埕的文化经济与旧城袭产再/创造
Beyond Gentrification: Cultural Economy and Heritage (Re-)Making in the Historic District of Twatutia in Taipei
作者: 岑学敏
Desmond Hok-Man SHAM
关键字: 文化导向式都市再生;台北大稻埕;文化永续;袭产(再)创造;士绅化;Culture-led urban regeneration;Twatutia (Dadaocheng), Taipei;Cultural sustainability;Heritage (Re-)Making;Gentrification
公开日期: 十月-2023
出版社: 国立阳明交通大学出版社
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Press
摘要: 在东北亚与东南亚,历史城区的文化导向式都市再生,常被批评:进入历史城区的新兴文化产业与当地历史文化关系不大,并造成历史城区的士绅化,迫迁原有传统产业。本文以台北大稻埕为例,对东亚文化导向式都市再生之中,文化经济与旧城袭产关系,提出更细致的理解。本文借用“文化永续”的概念,认为当地行动者的抱负及让该抱负得以实践的环境是关键,并指出:进入历史城区经营的新兴文化经济体,可以透过连结在地元素开发新产品,或文化创意介入等方式,参与既有袭产的保存、复兴与再创造,并在既有历史文化基础之上,创造出新的袭产,实现文化永续的可能;同时,历史城区的传统文化和袭产亦并非被动地受影响,而可以主动连结文化经济和挪用相关论述,再造传统,并提供平台,支持当地文化艺术有机地演变、发展与蜕变。同时,本文指出,士绅化理论不一定能准确形容经历文化导向式都市再生的历史城区,亦无法涵盖现在历史城区遇到的困境,包括:随着人流而来的摊贩,将导致观光同质化等问题。
In East and Southeast Asia, culture-led urban regeneration has been criticized for bringing in cultural economy activities that have few connections, if at all, with the local contexts, and leading to gentrification of the historic districts and eviction of traditional businesses. By positioning the transformation of Twatutia (Dadaocheng ) in Taipei in culture-led urban regeneration in East and Southeast Asia, this paper proposes a more nuanced understanding of the relationship between cultural economy and cultural heritage in historic districts. By developing the concept of "cultural sustainability', I argue that the local actors' aspirations and the environments that allow the realization of their aspirations are key factors. With such actors and environment, the emerging cultural economy is able to create new cultural products by embedding local elements, and preserve, regenerate, and remake local cultural heritage through creative intervention. Emerging cultural economy can make new heritage by engaging with existing local traditions. Cultural sustainability can thus be achieved. Besides, preservers of traditional cultures and cultural heritage in historic districts can also actively engage with the discourses and practices of cultural economy to remake the local traditions. They can also provide a platform for the evolution, development, and transformation of local cultural and art scenes. This paper also argues that "gentrification" is not necessarily a useful theoretical intervention towards historic districts which underwent culture-led urban regeneration because they encounter problems beyond the notion of "gentrification", including the influx of vendors that will lead to the homogenization of tourist experience.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6752/JCS.202310_(37).0003
ISSN: 1816-0514
DOI: 10.6752/JCS.202310_(37).0003
期刊: 文化研究
Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies
Issue: 37
起始页: 57
结束页: 102
显示于类别:Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies


  1. Router-2023-37-3.pdf

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