標題: 以延伸型整合性科技接受模式探討共享機車使用意圖之影響因素及行為歷程
Investigating the Influencing Factors and Behavioral Processes of the Intention to Use Scooter Sharing – The Perspective of UTAUT2
作者: 簡佑勳
Yu-Shyun Chien
Chung-Cheng Lu
關鍵字: 共享機車;使用意圖;行為歷程;延伸型整合性科技接受模式;結構方程模式;Scooter Sharing;Usage Intension;Behavioral Processes;UTAUT2;Structural Equation Modeling
公開日期: 五月-2024
出版社: 國立陽明交通大學經營管理研究所
Institute of Business and Magement, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
摘要: 由於共享機車兼具公共運輸之公共服務性、私人運具高自主性以及減少都會地區碳排等優點,許多城市將其視為輔助永續運輸發展之運具方案。隨著共享機車在都會地區逐漸興起,民眾對於共享機車之接受度及使用頻率亦逐漸提升,為能提出更符合使用者實際需求之發展策略及行銷方案,針對使用者對共享機車使用意圖之影響因素及決策行為歷程進行分析便是值得深入探討的課題。本研究以延伸型整合性科技接受模式為基礎,進一步探討原始理論架構中尚未考慮之構面間中介關係,並以結構方程模式為研究方法探討各構面對使用意圖之影響關係。透過以國內共享機車市場為實證分析對象,本研究共蒐集 411 份有效問卷。根據分析結果可發現,諸多構面對於使用意圖具有顯著正向影響,包括對使用意圖之直接效果,以及透過績效期望對使用意圖之中介效果。在多群組分析結果上,本研究則發現性別、收入、旅次目的、使用時間長度等社會經濟及共享機車使用特性對使用意圖具調節效果,顯示不同使用者市場區隔間具有異質性。根據前述分析結果,本研究亦對應提出政府面之發展策略,以及業者面之行銷策略等管理建議。
Since scooter sharing have advantages on both public services of mass transit, high autonomy of private transportation, and reduced carbon emission in the urban area, many cities consider this as an alternative to assist the development of sustainable transportation. With the rise of scooter sharing services in metropolitan areas, more people are accepting to use scooter sharing and some even increase the usage frequency. In order to provide development and marketing strategies that are more in line with the actual needs of users, analyzing the influencing factors and behavioral processes of users' intention to use scooter sharing will be crucial. To address this issue, this study adapted the Extended Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) as the conceptual model by incorporating the meditation effect that did not consider in the original model. Using scooter sharing users in Taiwan as a case study, this study designed a questionnaire and conducted a survey to collect the data with 411 valid respondents. The data were analyzed using the structural equation modeling (SEM) method. According to the analysis results, several latent variables have a significant positive effect, including the direct effect on usage intention, and the meditation effect on usage intention through performance expectancy. The results of the multi-group analysis also show that the effects of socioeconomic and scooter sharing using characteristics, such as gender, income, trip purpose, and length of use on usage intention are statistically different, indicating that user is heterogeneous as a result of varying market segmentation. The managerial implications and insights derived from the SEM results provide valuable suggestions for the development strategies for government agencies and marketing strategies for operators.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29416/JMS.202405_31(2).0004
ISSN: 1023-9863
DOI: 10.29416/JMS.202405_31(2).0004
期刊: 管理與系統
Journal of Management and Systems
Volume: 31
Issue: 2
起始頁: 275
結束頁: 305