標題: 從臺灣IG詩作的文學生產看數位詩的範式轉移
A Study of Paradigm Shift of Electronic Poetry by the Examination on the Literary Production of Instapoetry in Taiwan
作者: 梁慕靈
Rebecca Mo-Ling LEUNG
關鍵字: 數位詩;IG詩作;IG詩人;數位影響者;參與文化;electronic poetry;Instapoetry;Instapoet;digital influencers;participatory culture
公開日期: 六月-2024
出版社: 國立陽明交通大學出版社
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Press
摘要: 近年臺灣數位詩的創作由於數位平台的普遍應用而出現快速、廣泛、易於閱讀、數量繁多的趨勢。隨著Instagram的普及、IG詩人和IG詩作的出現和興起,標誌著臺灣數位詩創作生態的急劇轉變。其以視覺圖像為主導的創作思維,除了為讀者帶來閱讀和感受詩歌的新體驗,更反過來影響了數位詩的創作生態和心態。本文梳理近年臺灣數位詩的發展情況,討論數位平台、數位設計和數位影響者等現象,如何結合參與文化(participatory culture)而影響數位詩的創作範式(paradigm)。本文的目標是討論由Instagram於2012年獲臉書(Facebook)收購後至今,在這個平台上出現的IG詩作、IG詩人及其讀者,以及與Instagram本身的關係,由此觀察這段時間內臺灣的數位詩在創作、呈現、讀者接受、數位文學評論和出版等整個生產流程所組成的數位詩創作生態。以下為本文將會討論的問題:首先,臺灣IG詩作的出現與第二代電子文學創作有什麼分別?第二,這種IG詩作的出現是否有帶來數位詩創作內容和形式上的革新?第三,臺灣IG詩作的出現如何影響人們對數位詩的接受和欣賞?第四,這種新興社群媒體與IG詩作又反映怎樣的文化傳播現象?本文透過討論以上問題,思考IG詩作對臺灣的數位創作思維和生態的革新,以及在經過第二代數位詩發展後,以IG詩作為代表的第三代數位詩出現了怎樣的範式轉移。
In recent years, the increasing prevalence of digital platforms has resulted in the emergence of electronic poetry in Taiwan, which is known for its instant availability, comprehensiveness in scope, easy accessibility, and enormous quantity. Given the rising popularity of Instagram as well as the growth of Instapoets and Instapoetry, electronic poetry in Taiwan is now undergoing a drastic transformation. Its integration of visual images as part of the writing process exposes the readers to a new experience of reading and poetry appreciation. This, in turn, affects the ecology and practice of electronic poetry composition. This article aims to explore the evolution of Taiwanese electronic poetry in recent years. One major focus is to examine how digital platforms, digital design and digital influencers interact with the participatory culture to revolutionize the paradigm of electronic poetry composition. This article also strives to examine the Instapoetry and Instapoets identified on Instagram since Facebook's acquisition in 2012 as well as their relationship with the platform. Through investigating the ecology of electronic poetry in Taiwan during this period (which covers the entire production process from composition, presentation, reader acceptance, critique to publication), the following questions are addressed. First, how is Taiwanese Instapoetry different from the second generations of electronic literature? Second, has the growth of such Instapoetry transformed the content and format of contemporary poetry? Third, how does the rise of Taiwanese Instapoetry affect the acceptance and appreciation of contemporary poetry by the readers? Fourth, what models of cultural dissemination are reflected by such emerging social media and Instapoetry? Through addressing the questions above, this article highlights how Instapoetry revolutionizes the mentality and ecology of digital creation in Taiwan. Moreover, it shows how the third generation of electronic poetry (which is manifested in the form of Instapoetry) experiences the paradigm shift of electronic poetry composition.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6752/JCS.20246_38.0006
ISSN: 1816-0514
DOI: 10.6752/JCS.20246_38.0006
期刊: 文化研究
Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies
Issue: 38
起始頁: 93
結束頁: 130


  1. Router-2024-38-6.pdf

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