標題: | 一個客家人的流離、散播與影響:以十九世紀梅縣的古今輝為例 Wandering, Scattering, and Influence of the Hakka: A Case Study of Goo Kim from Meihsien to Hawaii |
作者: | 曹淑瑤 古鴻廷 Shu-yao Tsao Hung-ting Ku |
關鍵字: | 客家人;古今輝;檀香山;基督教;美國公民;Hakka;Goo Kim;Hawaii;Christianity;American Citizen |
公開日期: | 五月-2024 |
出版社: | 國立陽明交通大學客家文化學院 College of Hakka Studies National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University |
摘要: | 歷史上,發源於黃河流域的客家族群因天災、人禍及追求更好的生活,輾轉遷徙到華南地區,聚居在江西、福建與廣東三省交接的三角地帶,直至近代又向海外移植,他們透過血緣、地緣的紐帶,協助親族前來謀生,一些人事業有成後會返回原鄉捐官、投資,甚至歸根故里,亦有些人會繼續向海外發展,視他鄉為故鄉。出生於清廣東嘉應州梅縣的古今輝(1835-1908)即是一例,他在夏威夷檀香山從店工發展為富商,皈依基督教,創立基督教社團、會館,更曾被清廷賦予領事官銜,不但活躍於當地華族社會,也與夏威夷的西人社會及土著政權關係密切,在夏威夷併入美國時,適逢美國實行反華法案,故其能協助許多當地華人成為美國公民。古今輝一生雖曾返鄉,但其本身曾再度前往檀香山,最終葬於此地,而今他的後人散佈於原鄉與海外各地。本文擬從古今輝前往檀香山的發展及影響作一個案探討,對近現代客家族群的發展提供一些觀察。 The Hakka people in China migrated from the north to the south due to political, economic, and social changes, eventually reaching China's eastern coast. Some of them continued further eastward and moved overseas. In the mid-nineteenth century, Goo Kim from Meihsien migrated to Hawaii, where he became the leader of the local Chinese community. Goo converted to Christianity during his early years in Hawaii and lived his life in accordance with the principles of Christianity combined with Hakka social values. In the 1890s, a time when the Chinese Exclusion Act was in force, Goo helped many Chinese immigrants in Hawaii obtain American citizenship. After Goo died, several of his descendants relocated to the American continent and to other countries, where they continued to practice Christianity. Many Hawaiian Chinese people have been grateful to Goo for his assistance. |
URI: | https://ghk.hakka.nycu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=59&CA_ID=612 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/163001 |
ISSN: | 2308-2437 |
期刊: | 全球客家研究 Global Hakka Studies |
Issue: | 22 |
起始頁: | 1 |
結束頁: | 46 |
顯示於類別: | 全球客家研究 |