標題: 【Spotlights】Quanta-NYCU Joint AI Research Center Launches Innovative Art with AI and IoT Platforms, Set to Debut at Ars Electronica Festival in Austria
作者: 國際事務處
Office of International Affairs
公開日期: 27-六月-2024
出版社: 國立陽明交通大學
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
摘要: Over the past three years, the Quanta-NYCU Joint AI Research Center has actively developed applications in innovative healthcare, smart agriculture, and smart hospitals using the Quanta QOCA AI platform combined with the IoTtalk IoT platform. Recently, the center has extended these platforms to interactive art, launching a series of innovative performance projects, including PuppetTalk, AvatarTalk, CATtalk, DroneTalk, PianoTalk, and ViolinTalk, injecting new energy into tech-art integration.
URI: https://www.nycu.edu.tw/nycu/en/app/news/view?module=headnews&id=552&serno=35c4c504-6099-4f7b-be3b-e5d022148087
期刊: 陽明交大英文電子報
Issue: 2024-06


  1. 2024 Newsletter_June-06.pdf

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