標題: | 客語近義詞「艱苦」、「痛苦」之辨析 The Differentiation between Hakka Synonyms: Gienku and Tungku |
作者: | 文譯瑱 Yi-Tian Wen |
關鍵字: | 詞彙語意學;客語;近義詞;語料庫研究;Lexical Semantics;Hakka;Synonyms;Corpus Analysis |
公開日期: | 五月-2024 |
出版社: | 國立陽明交通大學客家文化學院 College of Hakka Studies National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University |
摘要: | 客語琳瑯滿目的近義詞,往往造成學習者區辨之不易,以近義詞「艱苦」、「痛苦」為例,兩詞均用以表示低落情緒,然鮮少文獻探討區辨此組近義詞之核心語意徵性,或自兩者之句法分布離析語意差異之緣由。現有文獻多為華語近義詞之辨析,如華語近義詞「難過」、「痛苦」與「高興」、「快樂」間可類比之語意差異,然華語相關研究或未能反映華語與客語近義詞辨析之細微差異。本研究乃為補足此文獻缺口,藉由客家委員會(2022)《臺灣客語語料庫》收錄之書面語料,檢索「艱苦」、「痛苦」句法分布情形,自句法分布抽離區辨兩者之核心語意徵性,同時兼論華語與客語近義詞徵性表現之異同,以期供客語教師與教材編寫員參照。 The differentiation of synonyms in Hakka can be challenging for language learners. For instance, the synonyms gienku and tungku are both used to convey negative emotions. However, few studies have systematically explored the crucial semantic features that distinguish these two terms or investigated the syntactic distributions that contribute to their semantic differences. Most studies on synonym differentiation have focused on Chinese, including focusing on the parallel semantic differences between the Chinese synonyms nánguò and tòngkǔ or gāoxìng and kuàilè. Although these studies provide valuable insights, they may not fully capture the nuances of synonym differentiation of synonyms in Chinese and Hakka. The current study addressed this gap through an analysis of the syntactic distributions of gienku and tungku in the Taiwan Hakka Corpus (Hakka Affairs Council, 2022). Through an examination of their syntactic behavior, this study identified the defining semantic features that differentiate the synonyms. It also highlighted the similarities and dissimilarities in semantic feature selection between synonyms in Chinese and Hakka. These findings may serve as a reference for Hakka teachers and textbook writers. |
URI: | https://ghk.hakka.nycu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=60&CA_ID=621 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/163312 |
ISSN: | 2308-2437 |
期刊: | 全球客家研究 Global Hakka Studies |
Issue: | 22 |
起始頁: | 131 |
結束頁: | 178 |
顯示於類別: | 全球客家研究 |