标题: Adaptive Feedforward Active Noise Cancellation in Ducts Using the Model Matching of Wave Propagation Dynamics
作者: Hu, Jwusheng
Hsiao, Tesheng
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
关键字: Acoustic control;active noise control;adaptive control;digital signal processor;distributed parameter system
公开日期: 1-九月-2012
摘要: Active noise cancellation in ducts using multiple feedforward sensors have been investigated by many researchers. When adaptive algorithms were applied, usually a lumped parameter model was assumed and the model includes the dynamics of the duct, sensors and actuators (e.g., microphone and loudspeaker). The distributed nature of the duct usually leads to a large parameter space and is difficult to implement direct adaptive control. This brief presents a control architecture which separates the duct's dynamics from those of sensors and actuators. An adaptive control algorithm is proposed to cope with the unknown dynamics of sensors and actuators. Experiments were conducted to show the effectiveness of the control law.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/16408
ISSN: 1063-6536
Volume: 20
Issue: 5
结束页: 1351


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