標題: High-Capacity OFDMA Femtocells by Directional Antennas and Location Awareness
作者: Tsai, Ang-Hsun
Wang, Li-Chun
Huang, Jane-Hwa
Hwang, Ruey-Bing
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
關鍵字: Closed subscriber group (CSG);femtocell;four-sector switched-beam directional antenna;link reliability;location awareness;open subscriber group (OSG);orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA);spectrum efficiency;two-tier interference
公開日期: 1-六月-2012
摘要: "In this paper, we propose a location-aware mechanism combined with a low-cost four-sector switched-beam directional antenna to enhance the spectrum efficiency of orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA)-based femtocell systems. The considered location-awareness capability is specified in the current IEEE 802.16m WiMAX standard, but has not been applied to avoid the interference between indoor femtocells and outdoor macrocells. With the knowledge of the locations of outdoor users, the proposed four-sector switched-beam antenna in a femtocell can effectively avoid the interference among femtocells and macrocells by adjusting the number of OFDMA subcarriers used at each femtocell. Numerical results show that the proposed approach can significantly improve spectrum efficiency compared to the existing methods."
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/16662
ISSN: 1932-8184
Volume: 6
Issue: 2
結束頁: 329


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