標題: Demosaicing: Heterogeneity-projection hard-decision adaptive interpolation using spectral-spatial correlation - art. no. 606906
作者: Tsai, CY
Song, KT
Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
關鍵字: color reproduction;CFA demosaicing;color artifacts;adaptive filtering;digital cameras
公開日期: 2006
摘要: A novel heterogeneity-projection hard-decision adaptive interpolation (HPHD-AI) algorithm is proposed in this paper for color reproduction from Bayer mosaic images. The proposed algorithm aims to estimate the optimal interpolation direction and perform hard-decision interpolation, in which the decision is made before interpolation. To do so, a new heterogeneity-projection scheme based on spectral-spatial correlation is proposed to decide the best interpolation direction from the original mosaic image directly. Exploiting the proposed heterogeneity-projection scheme, a hard-decision rule can be designed easily to perform the interpolation. We have compared this technique with three recently proposed demosaicing techniques: Lu's, Gunturk's and Li's methods, by utilizing twenty-five natural images from Kodak PhotoCD. The experimental results show that HPHD-AI outperforms all of them in both PSNR values and S-CIELab Delta E-ab* measures.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/17095
ISBN: 0-8194-6109-1
ISSN: 0277-786X
DOI: 10.1117/12.639890
期刊: Digital Photography II
Volume: 6069
起始頁: 6906
結束頁: 6906


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