Title: Optimum power-saving method for power MOSFET width of one-cycle control DGDC converters
Authors: Chen, Ke-Horng
Chien, Chieh-Ching
Ho, Hsin-Hsin
Huang, Li-Ren
Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: An optimum power MOSFET width technique is proposed in this paper for enhancing the efficiency characteristics of switching DC-DC converters. By implementing a one-cycle buck DC-DC converter, we demonstrate that the dynamic power MOSFET width controlling technique has much improvement in power reduction when the load current is light or heavy. The maximum efficiency of the buck converter is about 92% with 3% efficiency improvement for the heavy load condition. Besides, the efficiency can be enormously improved about 16% for light load condition as a result of the power reduction from the large power MOSFET transistors. Meanwhile, we also propose a new error correction loop circuit (ECL) to get a better load regulation than that of the previous designs. Furthermore, as compared to the adaptive gate driver voltage technique, the optimum power MOSFET width can achieve a great improvement on power saving. It is a better power-saving technique than the low-voltage-swing MOSFET gate drive technique for switching DC-DC converters.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/17302
ISBN: 978-0-7803-9716-3
ISSN: 0275-9306
Journal: 2006 IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Vols 1-7
Begin Page: 2365
End Page: 2369
Appears in Collections:Conferences Paper