標題: User-oriented travel time prediction using grey system and real-time vehicle detector data
作者: Jou, Yow-Jen
Lan, Chien-Lun
Institute of Statistics
關鍵字: Grey System;travel time prediction
公開日期: 2005
摘要: Real-time travel information is increasingly important for ITS. Many high-valued time-sensitive applications can take advantage from this real-time information. This paper describes an approach to estimate travel time with Grey System. Combined with real-time vehicle detector data, wireless communication ability and global positioning system, individual driving preference is then measured and been used to adjust the estimation model. An empirical result is shown at the end of this paper and shows a satisfying result.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/17852
ISBN: 90-6764-443-9
ISSN: 1573-4196
期刊: Advances in Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 2005, Vols 4 A & 4 B
Volume: 4A-4B
起始頁: 1053
結束頁: 1056