Title: A field study of induced slope failure in poorly cemented rock
Authors: Pan, YW
Lin, CP
Liao, JJ
Huang, AB
Department of Civil Engineering
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: The paper presents the results of afield study of an induced slope failure and accompanied laboratory and in-situ tests of a poorly cemented soft rock. The project was aimed to examine the full-scale deformation/strength characteristics of soft rock within reservoir bank with geology of poorly cemented rock. Comparison of the results of various tests enabled the clarification of the true properties of the poorly cemented rock. Effect of disturbance was quantitatively investigated. An in-situ study of induced slope failure with well-planed instrumentations looked into the full-size deformation and strength properties of the geomaterial.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/18588
ISBN: 90-5809-604-1
Begin Page: 833
End Page: 839
Appears in Collections:Conferences Paper