Title: An adaptive survivability admission control mechanism using backup VPs for self-healing ATM networks
Authors: Lo, CC
Chuang, BW

Department of Information Management and Finance
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: Restoration mechanism based on backup capacity provides a solution for assuring network survivability. In this paper we propose an adaptive survivability admission control mechanism using back-zip virtual paths for self-healing Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) networks. Working virtual paths (WVPs) and backup virtual paths (BVPs) are configured during the network design phase. For each call request, the proposed mechanism selects a pair of WVP and BVP, followed by bandwidth reservation for the pair only if both the WVP and the BVP selected succeed in the call admission Control. A backup dependency, matrix (BDM) is suggested for recording the most up-to-date information of backup capacity, required on a link for restoring a failure 017 other links. However backup capacity, actually, reserved on a link is shared by all BVPs passing the same link. This "sharing" concept substantially, reduces the amount of backup capacity, required The selection of BTT uses the BDM so as to make the selection adaptive to the current traffic loads on the network Two BVP selection methods, min-cost and min-expectation, are proposed, The min-cost strategy, increases network utilization while maintaining full survivability, under a single link failure. On the contra 3,, the min-expectation strategy, enhances network survivability, by slightly, reducing network utilization. Simulation results indicate that the proposed mechanism guarantees a 100 percent survivability, under any single link failure and supports an zip to 83 percent survivability, under double link failures, Above all, this mechanism not only, acquires desired survivability, but also at the same time keeps satisfactory, network utilization.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/18774
ISBN: 0-7695-1671-8
ISSN: 1530-1346
Begin Page: 647
End Page: 652
Appears in Collections:Conferences Paper