標題: A prepaid service-based charging and billing protocol for Internet services
作者: Lo, CC
Lin, MH
資訊管理與財務金融系 註:原資管所+財金所
Department of Information Management and Finance
關鍵字: service-based charging;charging and billing protocol;Internet services;prepaid business model
公開日期: 2002
摘要: The explosive growth of Internet services makes ISPs necessitate a flexible and practical service-based charging model to promote various services in an increasingly competitive market. Much research has focused on transport-based charging that meters traffic volume or time duration as usage parameters. However, charging only for the transport negates the perceived value of the content and neglects the atomic nature of some services. In this paper, we present a prepaid service-based charging and billing protocol extended from the Remote Access Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) protocol because of its extensibility and deployments by a wide range of existing vendors. The proposed charging model classifies services into atomic service and divisible service. The atomic service is charged all or nothing based on the transmission status; the divisible service is charged in proportion to the service duration. This research also suggests charging Internet services by prepaid business model. The prepaid model attracts both the operators and the customers. The operators have the ability to monitor subscribers spending and prevent subscribers from using services they cannot afford real-time. The customers have the opportunity to control their own spending and take a limited amount of risk.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/18884
ISSN: 1539-2023
期刊: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information and Management Sciences
Volume: 2
起始頁: 323
結束頁: 330