標題: Controlled growth of beta-Na0.24V2O5 nanowire thin films
作者: Ke, Jhih-Syuan
Wu, Ming-Cheng
Weng, Sheng-Feng
Lee, Chi-Shen
Department of Applied Chemistry
關鍵字: beta-Na0.24V2O5;Nanowire;Film;Morphology control
公開日期: 1-十月-2012
摘要: A method to prepare well-aligned beta-Na0.24V2O5 nanowires (NWs) involves the deposition of a vanadium oxide complex onto a substrate via gaseous transport, followed by a reaction between the complex and a sodium cation (Na+) precursor coated on the substrate. Techniques to investigate the composition, crystallinity, and morphology of products as prepared include ICP-AES, X-ray powder diffraction (PXRD), SEM/transmission electron microscope (TEM), and XPS. PXRD patterns and images from a TEM confirm the single-crystalline nature of beta-Na0.24V2O5 NWs, which grow along direction [1 0 0]. Factors affecting the amount of deposited material and morphology were tested. On varying the reaction conditions, the length of the beta-Na0.24V2O5 wires is controlled in a range of 5-25 mu m. A mechanism of formation is proposed. According to measurements of field emission, the turn-on field is 7.8 V/mu m, and the maximum emission current density of 4.66 mA/cm(2) occurs at field 11 V/mu m. This method is applicable to grow other tertiary metal oxide nanostructures on glass substrate.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11051-012-1167-z
ISSN: 1388-0764
DOI: 10.1007/s11051-012-1167-z
Volume: 14
Issue: 10


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