標題: Tunable GHz pulse repetition rate operation in high-power TEM00-mode Nd:YLF lasers at 1047 nm and 1053 nm with self mode locking
作者: Huang, Y. J.
Tzeng, Y. S.
Tang, C. Y.
Huang, Y. P.
Chen, Y. F.
Department of Electrophysics
公開日期: 30-七月-2012
摘要: We report on a high-power diode-pumped self-mode-locked Nd:YLF laser with the pulse repetition rate up to several GHz. A novel tactic is developed to efficiently select the output polarization state for achieving the stable TEM00-mode self-mode-locked operations at 1053 nm and 1047 nm, respectively. At an incident pump power of 6.93 W and a pulse repetition rate of 2.717 GHz, output powers as high as 2.15 W and 1.35 W are generated for the sigma- and pi-polarization, respectively. We experimentally find that decreasing the separation between the gain medium and the input mirror not only brings in the pulse shortening thanks to the enhanced effect of the spatial hole burning, but also effectively introduces the effect of the spectral filtering to lead the Nd: YLF laser to be in a second harmonic mode-locked status. Consequently, pulse durations as short as 8 ps and 8.5 ps are obtained at 1053 nm and 1047 nm with a pulse repetition rate of 5.434 GHz. (C) 2012 Optical Society of America
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OE.20.018230
ISSN: 1094-4087
DOI: 10.1364/OE.20.018230
Volume: 20
Issue: 16
起始頁: 18230
結束頁: 18237


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