標題: Low-threshold and compact multicolored femtosecond laser generated by using cascaded four-wave mixing in a diamond plate
作者: He, Jinping
Du, Juan
Kobayashi, Takayoshi
Department of Electrophysics
關鍵字: Multicolor laser;Cascaded four-wave mixing;2-D multicolor arrays;Beam breakup
公開日期: 1-三月-2013
摘要: Low-threshold and compact multicolored laser generated by cascaded four-wave mixing in a diamond plate is demonstrated. The spectra and output energy of the generated sidebands up to 2nd order on the Stokes side and > 12th on the anti-Stokes side covering from near infrared to UV, are shown. The 2-D multicolor arrays were also observed in diamond plate with low threshold and explained briefly. The compact wavelength-tunable multicolored laser setup is promising to be used in spectroscopy experiments, for example multicolor pump-probe experiments. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.optcom.2012.10.025
ISSN: 0030-4018
DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2012.10.025
Volume: 290
起始頁: 132
結束頁: 135


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