标题: Efficiency and Droop Improvement in GaN-Based High-Voltage Light-Emitting Diodes
作者: Wang, C. H.
Lin, D. W.
Lee, C. Y.
Tsai, M. A.
Chen, G. L.
Kuo, H. T.
Hsu, W. H.
Kuo, H. C.
Lu, T. C.
Wang, S. C.
Chi, G. C.
Department of Electrophysics
Department of Photonics
关键字: Current spreading;efficiency droop;high voltage;light-emitting diodes
公开日期: 1-八月-2011
摘要: The efficiency and electrical characteristics of GaN-based high-voltage light-emitting diodes (HV-LEDs) are investigated in detail. The spatial distribution of light output and simulation results showed that 100-V HV-LED with smaller microchips had superior current spreading. As a result, under 1-W operation, the luminous efficiency of 100-V HV-LED with smaller microchips was enhanced by 7.8% compared to that of 50-V HV-LED, while the efficiency droop behaviors were reduced from 28% in 50-V HV-LED to 25.8% in 100-V HV-LED. Moreover, smaller microchips exhibited lower series resistance and forward voltage, leading to higher wall-plug efficiency.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/LED.2011.2153176
ISSN: 0741-3106
DOI: 10.1109/LED.2011.2153176
Volume: 32
Issue: 8
起始页: 1098
结束页: 1100


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