標題: Reducing Fine Particulate to Improve Health: A Health Impact Assessment for Taiwan
作者: Yang, Chia-Ming
Kao, Kai
運輸與物流管理系 註:原交通所+運管所
Department of Transportation and Logistics Management
關鍵字: air pollution;health impact assessment;particulate matter
公開日期: 1-一月-2013
摘要: Recently various countries have adopted the new standards for PM2.5 (particulate matter <2.5 mu m in aerodynamic diameter), but Taiwan still maintains an old set of air quality guidelines for particulate matter; therefore, the authors quantified the public health impact of long-term exposure to PM2.5 in terms of attributable number of deaths and the potential gain in life expectancy by reducing PM2.5 annual levels to 25, 20, 15, and 10 mu g/m3. When the guideline for PM2.5 long-term exposure was set at 25 mu g/m3, 3.3% of all-cause mortality or 4,500 deaths in 2009 could be prevented. The potential gain in life expectancy at age 30 of this reduction would increase by a range between 1 and 7 months in Taiwan. This study shows that guidelines for PM2.5, especially for long-term exposure, should be adopted in Taiwan as soon as possible to protect public health.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19338244.2011.619216
ISSN: 1933-8244
DOI: 10.1080/19338244.2011.619216
Volume: 68
Issue: 1
起始頁: 3
結束頁: 12


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