標題: Compact high-pulse-energy passively Q-switched Nd:YLF laser with an ultra-low-magnification unstable resonator: application for efficient optical parametric oscillator
作者: Cho, C. Y.
Huang, Y. P.
Huang, Y. J.
Chen, Y. C.
Su, K. W.
Chen, Y. F.
Department of Electrophysics
公開日期: 28-一月-2013
摘要: We exploit an ultra-low-magnification unstable resonator to develop a high-pulse-energy side-pumped passively Q-switched Nd:YLF/Cr4+:YAG laser with improving beam quality. A wedged laser crystal is employed in the cavity to control the emissions at 1047 nm and 1053 nm independently through the cavity alignment. The pulse energies at 1047 nm and 1053 nm are found to be 19 mJ and 23 mJ, respectively. The peak powers for both wavelengths are higher than 2 MW. Furthermore, the developed Nd:YLF lasers are employed to pump a monolithic optical parametric oscillator for confirming the applicability in nonlinear wavelength conversions. (C) 2013 Optical Society of America
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OE.21.001489
ISSN: 1094-4087
DOI: 10.1364/OE.21.001489
Volume: 21
Issue: 2
起始頁: 1489
結束頁: 1495


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