Title: A Reversible Micro Mechanical-latch Shock Switch by External Magnetic Field
Authors: Shieh, Yi-Chueh
Ma, Ruei-Pin
Hsu, Wensyang
Lin, Yu-Hsin
Tang, Yu-Hsiang
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: A reversible passive micro mechanical-latch shock switch made of nickel is designed, fabricated, and tested here. Unlike previous reversible mechanical-latch shock switches, which need built-in micro actuators to unlock the latch, the design proposed here utilizes external magnetic field to unlock the switch after experiencing impact over threshold level. Therefore, the switch is reusable and compact due to no built-in micro actuator.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/21616
ISBN: 978-1-4577-1766-6
ISSN: 1930-0395
Begin Page: 1084
End Page: 1087
Appears in Collections:Conferences Paper