標題: Design, fabrication and actuation of four-axis thermal actuating image stabiliser
作者: Lin, Chun-Ying
Chiou, Jin-Chen
Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
公開日期: 1-七月-2011
摘要: Presented is a microelectromechanical system-based thermal actuating image stabiliser. The proposed stage has dimensions of 14.9 x 14.9 x 0.2 mm(3) and contains a four-axis decoupling XY stage used for anti-shaking. The processes used to fabricate the stabiliser include silicon on isolator process, inductively coupled plasma process and flip-chip bonding technique. The maximum actuating distance of the stage is larger than 25 mu m, which is sufficient to resolve the shaking problem in 3 x optical zoom condition. According to the experiment results, the supplied voltage for the 25 mu m moving distance is lower than 20 V, and the dynamic resonant frequency of the actuating device is 4.7 kHz.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1049/mnl.2011.0100
ISSN: 1750-0443
DOI: 10.1049/mnl.2011.0100
Volume: 6
Issue: 7
起始頁: 549
結束頁: 552


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