标题: Edge-colorings of K-m,K-n which Forbid Multicolored Cycles
作者: Fu, Hung-Lin
Lo, Yuan-Hsun
Pei, Ryo-Yu
Department of Applied Mathematics
关键字: edge-coloring;complete bipartite graph;multicolored cycle
公开日期: 1-三月-2013
摘要: A subgraph in an edge-colored graph is multicolored if all its edges receive distinct colors. In this paper, we study the proper edge-colorings of the complete bipartite graph K-m,K-n which forbid multicolored cycles. Mainly, we prove that (1) for any integer k >= 2, if n >= 5k - 6, then any properly n-edge-colored K-k,K-n contains a multicolored C-2k, and (2) determine the order of the properly edge-colored complete bipartite graphs which forbid multicolored C-6.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/22415
ISSN: 0315-3681
Volume: 90
起始页: 77
结束页: 84