標題: Probing Local Ionic Dynamics in Functional Oxides at the Nanoscale
作者: Strelcov, Evgheni
Kim, Yunseok
Jesse, Stephen
Cao, Ye
Ivanov, Ilia N.
Kravchenko, Ivan I.
Wang, Chih-Hung
Teng, Yung-Chun
Chen, Long-Qing
Chu, Ying Hao
Kalinin, Sergei V.
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
關鍵字: SPM;ionic dynamics;Ca-BFO;voltage spectroscopy;oxygen vacancy;FORC-IV
公開日期: 1-八月-2013
摘要: A scanning probe microscopy technique for probing local ionic dynamics in electrochemically active materials based on the first-order reversal curve current-voltage (FORC-IV) method is presented. FORC-IV imaging mode is applied to a Ca-substituted bismuth ferrite (Ca-BFO) system to separate the electronic and ionic phenomena in this material and visualize the spatial variability of these behaviors. The variable-temperature measurements further demonstrate the interplay between the thermally and electric-field-driven resistance changes in Ca-BFO. The FORC-IV is shown to be a simple, powerful, and flexible method for studying electrochemical activity of materials at the nanoscale and, in conjunction with the electrochemical strain microscopy, it can be used for differentiating ferroelectric and ionic behaviors.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/nl400780d
ISSN: 1530-6984
DOI: 10.1021/nl400780d
Volume: 13
Issue: 8
起始頁: 3455
結束頁: 3462


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