標題: A battery charge controller realized by a flyback converter with digital primary side regulation for mobile phones
作者: Chao, Paul C. -P.
Chen, Wei-Dar
Wu, Ruo-Hua
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
公開日期: 1-八月-2014
摘要: A flyback converter with digital control designed and implemented for a lithium battery charging system is proposed in this study. As opposed to the requirement of both voltage and current feedbacks for a conventional flyback converter, this study proposes a converter structure that needs only one voltage feedback to stabilize converter output for implementing the designed battery charging techniques. This single feedback of voltage is made possible by so-called "primary side regulation (PSR)", which in hardware senses the output voltage using an auxiliary winding in the isolating transformer of the flyback converter that is operated in DC-DC discontinuous current mode. The adoption of PSR also enables the elimination of the opto-coupler that is often used in conventional converters for feedback signals. Another essential part of the converter is the proposition of a new a duty control method which regulate successfully the output current by only one feedback voltage signal. The proposed battery charging design consists of three consecutive modes, trickle current (TC), CC and CV. At TC and CC, a duty control method is adopted, which is able to regulate the output current by sensing only the output voltage. Both simulation and experimental results show a 7 % error deviated from targeted output current. As for CV, a proportional-integral controller is designed and implemented to regulate the output voltage. The overall experimental results show a favorable performance of the proposed charging method with proposed PSR-flyback converter.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00542-014-2211-y
ISSN: 0946-7076
DOI: 10.1007/s00542-014-2211-y
Volume: 28
Issue: 8-9
起始頁: 1689
結束頁: 1703


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