标题: Comparison of active noise control structures in the presence of acoustical feedback by using the H-infinity synthesis technique
作者: Bai, MR
Lin, HH
National Chiao Tung University
Department of Mechanical Engineering
公开日期: 2-十月-1997
摘要: This study compares three control structures of active noise cancellation for ducts: feedback control, feedforward control, and hybrid control. These structures are compared in terms of performance, stability, and robustness by using a general framework of the H-infinity robust control theory. In addition, the H-infinity synthesis procedure automatically incorporates the acoustic feedback path that is usually a plaguing problem to feedforward control design. The controllers are implemented by using a digital signal processor and tested on a finite-length duct. In an experimental verification, the proposed controllers are also compared with the well-known filtered-u least mean square (FULMS) controller. The advantages and disadvantages of each ANC structure as well as the adverse effects due to acoustic feedback are addressed. (C) 1997 Academic Press Limited.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/257
ISSN: 0022-460X
Volume: 206
Issue: 4
起始页: 453
结束页: 471


  1. A1997YA15400001.pdf

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