標題: Active frequency-tune beam-scanning leaky-wave antenna arrays
作者: Wang, CJ
Wu, JJ
Jou, CF
Institute of Communication Studies
關鍵字: beam-scanning;the leaky-wave antenna arrays;the reflected wave;the first higher order mode;phase-shifterless
公開日期: 1-二月-1998
摘要: X-band active beam-scanning leaky-wave antenna arrays, including 1 X 1, 1 X 2 and 1 X 4 prototypes, have been demonstrated. These antennas integrated one or several microstrip leaky-wave antenna elements with a single varactor-tuned HEMT VCO as an active source. Measured results on experimental antennas indicate that the beam scanning angle of the 1 X 1 antenna close to 40(0) can be achieved and the scanning range of 1 X 2 and 1 X 4 antenna arrays are both close to 32(0), Furthermore, reflected wave due to the open end of each leaky-wave antenna element has been suppressed by the symmetric configuration of this antenna array and the antenna efficiency increases. When comparing with the measured radiation pattern of the single element antenna, we found that the 1 X 2 and 1 X 4 antenna arrays can effectively suppress the reflected power by more than 5.5 dB and 10.5 dB, respectively, at 10.2GHz. The power gain are more than 2 dB and 3.16 dB higher than the single element antenna with a measured EIRP of 18.67 dBm.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/25
ISSN: 0195-9271
Volume: 19
Issue: 2
起始頁: 349
結束頁: 364


  1. 000072114200011.pdf

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