Title: Andreev scattering in semiconductor-superconductor junctions containing a finite width semiconductor region applied by magnetic fields
Authors: Hsue, YC
Yang, TJ
Gu, BY
Wang, J
Department of Electrophysics
Keywords: Andreev reflection;magnetic barrier;superconductor;junction
Issue Date: 1-May-2004
Abstract: We present numerical studies of conductance of quasi-particles (QPs) in junctions consisting of semiconductor (Sm) two-dimensional electronic gas (2DEG) and superconductor (S) containing a finite width 2DEG region (referred to magnetic barrier) applied by a magnetic field perpendicular to the 2DEG plane. Total conductance as a function of beta = mu(N)/homega(c), (where mu(N) is the chemical potential of semiconductor and omega(c) = eB/cm(N)(*) is the cyclotron frequency) strongly depends on the normal or superconducting state of the superconductor. It demonstrates that the Andreev reflection (AR) plays a dominant role. The total conductance of G((NBN)) or G((NBS)) as a function of beta for the NBN or NBS junction displays monotonically increasing behavior with different rising slopes. We observe the existence of a critical magnetic field for switching off the conductance. This critical field of G((NBS)) is a half of that of G((NBN)) in the matching case of the Fermi level and effective mass of QPs in materials forming the junctions. G((NBS)) is usually larger than G((NBN)) for a given magnetic field. The 3D plot of the conductance G((NBN)) and G((NBS)) as functions of beta and the incident angle theta of the QPs displays a flat plateau over a finite domain region of [beta,theta]. However, in the mismatching case of the Fermi energy and effective mass of QPs, G((NBS)) is lower than G((NBN)) because the AR of the holelike QPs now becomes incomplete and normal reflection (NR) of the electronlike QPs is considerably enhanced. The corresponding 3D plot of conductance against beta and theta exhibits heavy spike oscillations around its occupied boundary. We present explicit analytic expressions of the conductance of QPs for this model junction on the basis of classical cyclotron orbit of the QPs in magnetic fields and the quantum mechanical calculation. The characteristics of conductance can be well interpreted by this phenomenological physical picture.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1143/JPSJ.73.1303
ISSN: 0031-9015
DOI: 10.1143/JPSJ.73.1303
Volume: 73
Issue: 5
Begin Page: 1303
End Page: 1312
Appears in Collections:Articles