標題: Holographic spatial walk-off polarizer and its application to a 4-port polarization-independent optical circulator
作者: Chen, JH
Su, DC
Department of Photonics
公開日期: 25-八月-2003
摘要: Based on the coupled-wave theory, a holographic spatial walk-off polarizer (HSWP) is designed. This HSWP is a transmission-type phase volume holographic grating on a substrate and its optical recording geometry can be derived from Chen's corrected methodology with a desired reconstruction condition. A pair of fabricated HSWPs with the splitting angle of 60degrees is applied to assemble a new type of 4-port polarization-independent optical circulator. The operating principles and the characteristics of the proposed HSWP and the prototype optical circulator are discussed. (C) 2003 Optical Society of America.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/27627
ISSN: 1094-4087
Volume: 11
Issue: 17
起始頁: 2001
結束頁: 2006


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