標題: H-c2 of MgCNi3 determined from the specific heat and resistivity measurements
作者: Lin, JY
Lin, PH
Ho, PL
Huang, HL
Zhang, YL
Yu, RC
Jin, CQ
Yang, HD
Institute of Physics
關鍵字: MgCNi3;H-c2;specific heat;order parameter;mixed state
公開日期: 1-十月-2002
摘要: H-c2 of MgCNi3 has been determined from the specific heat C and resistivity rho measurements in the same sample. The results from rho are nearly identical with those determined from the anomaly in C. Furthermore, utilizing the relation gamma(H) proportional to H and the value of dgamma/dH, the obtained value of H-c2 is the same as that by the WHH model, if the spin paramagnetic effect and the spin-orbit interaction are taken into account. The results of this comparison have strong implications on the order parameter of MgCNi3.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/28485
ISSN: 0896-1107
Volume: 15
Issue: 5
起始頁: 485
結束頁: 488


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